Global Reach

Creating an international community

A true Four-Dimensional (4D) Experience 不只是发生在教室里. Across the globe, our students and faculty create knowledge and make profound and lasting change for the better. 我们的学生在布拉格学习国际经济学, work on sustainable development in Thailand and use their spring breaks to provide medical relief in Central America.

At home, our campus is enriched by students, 来自世界各地的教师和研究人员, representing more than 80 countries. 我们致力于为国际学生提供所有的建议, advocacy and language education they need to feel at home in their new surroundings and be a part of a worldly and rigorous college experience.

教师对我们的全球影响力做出了重要贡献. Their research demonstrates the extraordinary effectiveness of nonviolent solutions to seemingly intractable global problems. 他们与世界各地的政府和公司进行磋商, fight human trafficking, 作为我们国家和其他国家之间的文化使者.

我们还举办活动和节目,把世界带到我们的校园. 从埃及学者到拉美政治家再到中国媒体高管, thinkers and doers from around the world come here to share ideas and learn from and with our community. 这些努力,加上教育,联系和项目 约瑟夫·科贝尔国际研究学院,帮助我们发展全球联系,加强国家间的关系.

"The only way a power like the United States can function in this world is by being open to other cultures and open in its relationships with other countries. 我认为牛津大学在这方面走在了前列."

70% Around 70 percent of DU undergraduates study abroad, many through Cherrington Global Scholars

80+ The University of Denver is host to students and faculty from over 80 countries around the globe

Peace Corps


DU in the World

我们的学生与世界各地的社区合作, 在全球范围内交流知识,改善环境.

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    这是我们历史最悠久的国际项目之一, students travel to Dharamsala, a city in India’s Himalayan region that is home to the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government in exile. While there, 学生们沉浸在西藏文化中, learn from former political prisoners and work one-on-one as language partners for newly arrived refugees. It’s a trip that nearly every returning student describes as the most impactful experience of their time at DU.

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    Global Medical Brigades

    Over the last five years, members of our Medical and Dental Brigades used their spring breaks to travel to Nicaragua and Panama to provide medical and water relief. Volunteers help with triage, 咨询期间的影子医生和牙医, 协助药房工作并领导儿童教育课程. Recently, they worked with locals to build infrastructure to deliver clean water to a community that previously lacked access.

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    Hospitality in-service training

    与全球利文斯顿研究所合作, DU students are helping Ugandans get the training they need to enter the hospitality industry and improve their quality of life. 学生实习生塑造了一个培训和管理多样化劳动力的项目. Ugandans who participate in the program develop skills and improve their quality of life. 该项目已经为200多名乌干达人提供了就业机会, and as our partnership continues, that number will grow.

Faculty in the World

Deborah Avant
Deborah Avant

Director of the Sié Chéou-Kang Center for International Security and Diplomacy Deborah Avant, 还有一组教授和研究人员, 领导调查冲突地区非暴力行动的影响吗. The team hopes to find the most effective ways to reduce violence and create conditions for long-term peace and stability.

Nader Hashemi
Nader Hashemi

他是科贝尔学院中东研究中心主任, professor Nader Hashemi works with students and faculty alike to deepen the understanding of the societies and political structures of the Middle East and the broader Islamic world. 他的工作旨在缩小中东和西方之间的差距.

Condolezza Rice

Global Engagement

Strengthening bonds worldwide

Students in our Korbel School of International Studies are at the forefront of efforts to foster peace, justice and understanding worldwide. 像中美智库这样的机构.S. Cooperation and the Latin America Center work to solve regional problems and strengthen relationships regionally. 通过人权教育中心和人口贩运中心, 学生帮助在全球范围内推进人权.

其他学生在南非与弱势青年一起工作, 在哥斯达黎加提供社区卫生教育和支助, 并通过我们的许多海外项目向爱尔兰的老年人教授计算机技能.

We're also proud to show our international student body the best the United States has to offer, and we provide the language education services and support international students need to take full advantage of their education.


We work to ensure international students have all the resources they need to flourish at DU and enrich our community with their skills and perspectives. Our 国际学生和学者服务 are essential in the effort to make our campus an ideal starting point for someone new to our country.

The World Comes to DU

Our campus is a magnet for visitors, 谁带来了不同的观点和全球联系.

Project X-cite Logo
Flight to Denver

Flight to Denver, 由MG线上电子游戏学的X-ITE项目主办,与各种学术机构合作, public, private and nonprofit groups, is a summit for the engineers, scientists and innovators working to address the United Nations' sustainable development goals. The 17 goals, set forward in 2015, are designed to end poverty, 保护地球,确保人人繁荣. 解决不同目标的团队与教师合作, undergraduate and graduate students, and experts from the nonprofit, public and private sectors.

Lund University Campus
Lund University Partnership

Thanks to an innovative partnership, students have the opportunity to spend two years abroad in Sweden to earn a bachelor's degree from DU and a master's from Lund University. Initially available to students in the biological sciences and gender and women's studies programs, the initiative calls for participants to spend their first three years at DU followed by two at Lund University, 它是瑞典排名最高的大学,也是世界排名前100的大学之一.

culturefest attendees
DU CultureFest

这是杜克大学30多年的传统, 文化节对学生来说是一个机会, 教职员工和邻居庆祝杜社区所代表的多种文化. 有来自世界各地的美食和表演, participants have fun and enjoy great food while representatives from various internationally focused clubs and organizations share traditions from a wide range of cultures.

Student Vies for World Record

Our students remain animated by the University's international spirit long after they leave. Jessica Elliott is living proof, 她要创造一项世界纪录,走遍世界上每一个国家.